Objectivity according to Lacaze-Duthiers

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T. Carrau


We celebrated in 2021 the bicentenary of Lacaze-Duthiers. In this paper, we will focus on the epistemology of Lacaze-Duthiers by showing how the relationship to knowl­edge is part of history, evolves over time and also transforms the relationship to oneself. Thus, we will give an explanation of Lacaze-Duthiers’ temperament according to his relationship to science and truth. The positivism that accompanies Lacaze-Duthiers’ zoology organizes his way of life down to the details of his own intimacy. Thus, Lacaze-Duthiers is part of the momentum of an objectivist epistemology which seeks to annihilate a subjectivity which is then considered deviant. Finally, we will see that beyond the pure work of zoology, Lacaze-Duthiers worked for the development of a real epistemic network in order to place experimental zoology in a sustain­able position. It is therefore between a purist vision of science and networking that the strong personality of Lacaze-Duthiers was forged.

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How to Cite
Objectivity according to Lacaze-Duthiers. (2024). Life and Environment, 72(3/4), 53-61. https://doi.org/10.57890/


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